Rider FAQ's
Here are some frequently asked questions about riding WestCAT and helpful answers to make your trip a pleasant one..
Q. Can I bring luggage, packages or groceries on the bus?
A. Yes, as long as you can handle all your packages/and or your luggage or cart yourself. Due to space and safety considerations, WestCAT has a 3 bag per person limit on all its buses; there will be a charge of $1.75 for each additional bag beyond that limit. In addition, it is against the law to block an aisle of a transit bus.
Q. Can I use a valid transfer from another WestCAT route to board the WestCAT Lynx to San Francisco at established transfer points
A. Yes, but transfers from all other WestCAT routes to the Lynx to San Francisco require payment of a transfer fee. *Please refer to the regular WestCAT schedule for transfer fares.
Q. Can I use a transfer to re-board the same route after a stop-over (to pick-up some groceries, go to the bank, etc.) or to go back to where I began my original trip?
A. No, transfers are valid for one-way trips only, for 1 hour from time of issue and are not valid to re-board the same route after a stopover. This type of travel requires the purchase a Day Pass from your driver and you can go in any direction on and off any local and express bus all day until the last bus of the evening for the price of one round-trip. (Not valid on: Lynx to/fr SF or Dial-A-Ride). Transfers valid only at established transfer locations.
Q. Can I request the lift to board the bus even if I am not in a wheelchair?
A. Yes, if you are unable to climb the bus stairs due to a mobility disability, you may use the lift as a standee. However, lifts are not intended to be used to board a child in a stroller or a grocery cart.
Q. Can I transport my child onto the bus in a stroller, and may my child ride in a stroller on the bus?
A. No, to ensure the safety of the child, passengers must remove children from stroller and fold stroller prior to boarding. Once aboard, stroller must be stowed behind the seat and out of the aisle. Strollers must not block aisles, wheelchair stations, doors, steps, or emergency exists. Passengers refusing to control strollers as described above will be refused a ride.
Q. Can I take my bike on board a WestCAT bus?
A. No, bikes are not permitted inside buses. All WestCAT Lynx, local and express buses are equipped with bike racks, which will accommodate up to 2 bikes on a first-come, first-served basis. Passengers using the bike racks must load the bike themselves and do so at their own risk. If the rack is full, please wait for the next available bus.
Q. Does WestCAT sell bus passes?
A. Yes, WestCAT offers unlimited ride 31-day passes, stored value and stored ride passes for sale online or at WestCAT, 601 Walter Avenue, Pinole, CA 94564, M-Th from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Call (510) 724-7993 for more info.
To buy passes online visit our online store: WestCAT Online Store.
Q. Can I receive a reduced cash fare on WestCAT?
A. Yes, but if asked, please show the driver one of the following: State ID (senior fare), Regional Transit Connection card (RTC), Medicare card (not Medi-CAL), Veterans disability ID, or DMV disabled ID card (disabled fare).
Q. Are there other services available to me if I am not able to access the regular WestCAT fixed route or express buses due to temporary or permanent disability?
A. Yes, WestCAT Dial-A-Ride and ADA Paratransit services are available to qualified individuals. Please call (510) 724-7993 for info about whether or not you qualify for either or both of these services. You may also visit westcat.org for more information.
Q. Can I request to be let off or on a WestCAT bus at any location other than at an established bus stop?
A. No, with the exception of temporary bus stops posted by WestCAT. This policy is necessitated by the increased risk that a passenger could be endangered by winding up in the path of a car or bus by simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time when seeking to board or exit somewhere other than the established stop.
Q. I have a question about WestCAT and I don’t see it answered here?
A. If your question is not answered here and couldn’t locate the information on our site, feel free to go to our Contact Us page and use our online comment card, the convenient comment card on all coaches or call us directly at (510) 724-7993 or email us at info@westcat.org.