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Data Requests

Submitting a Request for Data

In accordance with the California Public Records Act, WestCAT is committed to providing records to the public in a timely fashion. Records may be reviewed either in the office or copies can be produced. A small fee may be charged for physical copies (covering the direct cost of duplication), with the exception of documents which are typically made available to the public during the course of regular business, such as schedules or route maps.

The agency will reply to written requests within ten calendar days from the first business day of receipt. If the volume of information requested is large enough that additional time is required, WestCAT may extend this time frame by up to 14 calendar days with written notice to the requester.

In order to obtain data or review records from WestCAT, please submit a written request to or by mail to our administrative office:
601 Walter Ave.
Pinole, CA 94564

Requests can also be made by phone at (510) 724-7993 or in person at WestCAT’s office during regular office hours. Requests should be as specific as possible to avoid confusion. A sample California FOIA request can be found at

For more information about what records are exempt from this process, please consult Chapter 4 of “The People’s Business”, published by the League of California Cities, available for free at

GIS and Developer Data

Shapefiles of routes and stops are available upon request.’s Developer Page also makes APIs available at no cost.

Our most recent GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) schedule data can be found here: GTFS Feed

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WestCAT Administration

601 Walter Ave., Pinole, CA 94564

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays