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Lost & Found

We do our best to help passengers relocate lost items. However, WestCAT is not responsible for items lost on our buses.

If you lost an item on a WestCAT bus, contact our Customer Service Department at 510-724-3331. All items turned in to Lost & Found are kept for a period of 30 days. Perishable items and those of safety concern will not be stored. You may also reports a lost item electronically by using our online comment form. Click here to report an item electronically.

To retrieve an item from Lost & Found, you must come to WestCAT’s administrative office located at 601 Walter Avenue, Pinole. Found items will not be returned by mail or by drivers. Office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 9am - 4pm. The office is closed Fridays, weekends and holidays.


For safety and security reasons, drivers will not be contacted by radio or cell phone to check for items lost on the bus. If the item is found, the driver will turn it into Lost & Found at the end of their shift. Please do not report the same lost item more than once. Repeated claims by web and/or phone will delay returns.

Be specific and provide as much detail as you can when describing your item. We will contact you only if a match is found for your claimed item. It may take several days for us to match your item, retrieve it and contact you. If we do not contact you within two weeks, unfortunately it means that your item was not recovered.

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WestCAT Administration

601 Walter Ave., Pinole, CA 94564

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays