Social Media Policy

The Western Contra Costa Transit Authority’s Social Media Comment Policy
Below outlines the Western Contra Costa Transit Authority’s Social Media Comment Policy. This policy addresses comments made on our social media channels including, but not limited to, Facebook, and Twitter. We appreciate your support and interest in WestCAT. By participating in social media, WestCAT intends to engage individuals and organizations about topics related to WestCAT’s mission.
Transit Service-Related Questions or Comments
All service-related questions or comments that require an immediate response should be directed to WestCAT’s Telephone Information Center at 510-724-7993. Your questions may also be answered by visiting our website.
Communications made via comments on any WestCAT social media channel or page will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to WestCAT for any purpose. WestCAT cannot attest to the accuracy of all the information provided by third parties or any other linked sites. Posted comments and images do not necessarily represent the views of the Western Contra Costa Transit Authority and do not constitute an endorsement on behalf of the Authority.
Moderated Comments
WestCAT welcomes a respectful discourse that includes your comments, ideas and concerns. Comments are immediately released into the public domain so do not submit anything you do not wish to be broadcast to the general public including personally identifiable information. Comments are welcome at any time but WestCAT moderates comments during normal business hours. WestCAT does not discriminate against any viewpoint but reserves the right to remove comments that do not adhere to these standards.
WestCAT considers the following comments unacceptable:
- Abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening, defamatory or harassing language, personal attacks, or offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups or that incite illegal activity.
- Comments that are off-topic or that promote, endorse or oppose a service or product, political party, person campaigning for elected office or ballot proposition.
- Spam including the same comment posted repeatedly or gratuitous links to sites.
- Comments infringing on copyrighted or trademarked material, or is deemed an infringement of intellectual property.
WestCAT’s social media channels and sites are not hosted by the Western Contra Costa Transit Authority and thus its privacy policies do not apply. By accessing or using each particular social media site, you are accepting the practices described in its privacy policy.