ADA Paratransit
Mobility Freedom Independence
WestCAT is pleased to provide a robust Paratransit service to the communities of Pinole and Hercules, and the unincorporated communities of Montalvin Manor, Tara Hills, Bayview, Rodeo, Crockett, and Port Costa. WestCAT is committed to providing passengers with safe, dependable, and comfortable service that is accessible to and usable by all.
The attached guide provides detailed information about WestCAT’s ADA Paratransit service including how to apply, how to qualify for service and how to get started. Please read it carefully to learn how the service works and if it is right for you.
You’ll also find sections dedicated to Helpful Hints, Important Telephone Numbers, Safety Policies and Customer Service. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at 510-724-7993. We look forward to serving your special transportation needs.
Dial-a-Ride Guide
WestCAT is committed to ensuring that no person is denied access to its services, programs or activities on the basis of a disability, as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). If you feel have been denied access on the basis of a disability, as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please complete the attached form. Instructions are provided on the form.
ADA Procedures/Complaint Form (PDF)
WestCAT se compromete a garantizar que a ninguna persona se le niegue el acceso a sus servicios, programas o actividades sobre la base de una discapacidad, según lo dispuesto por la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 (ADA). Si cree que se le ha negado el acceso debido a una discapacidad, según lo dispuesto por la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades, complete el formulario adjunto. Las instrucciones se proporcionan en el formulario.
Procedimientos/formulario de quejas de la ADA (PDF)In an effort to make traveling across multiple public transit service areas easier and safer for paratransit riders, County Connection is piloting a collaborative One-Seat Regional Ride Program. Participating in the service is Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority, operators of Tri Delta Transit, Western Contra Costa Transit Authority, operators of WestCAT, and Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority, operators of Wheels Bus. The pilot program aims to streamline current regional ride practices by eliminating required transfers for trips that cross multiple transit service areas. With the new program, passengers can have one-seat for the entire duration of their trip. The program has been in development for quite some time, but amid coronavirus spread concerns, the implementation date has been accelerated to help minimize interactions between passengers, drivers, and vehicles.
To use this service, simply call (925) 680-2134 to book a trip.
The cost depends on the participating agency’s paratransit fares. When you book your one-seat ride, the reservationist will tell you your final fare.
- County Connection LINK
- Tri-Delta Transit
- WestCAT
Once your reservation has been booked, you will be provided a one-seat ride with no need to transfer. A driver will pick you up from your location and take you directly to your final destination.
If either the origin or destination of your trip is outside the areas served by the four participating agencies, your Paratransit agency will assist you in booking a regular transfer trip, and coordinating all arrangements between your paratransit agency and any connecting agencies participating in your trip.