Important Phone Numbers
Route & Schedule Information: 510-724-7993 (M-F 4am – Midnight; Sat. 6am - 8pm; Sun. 8am - 5pm)
Para informacion de horarios en espanol: 510-724-7993 (A diario 8am-5pm).
California Relay Service for TDD/ TTY
You can reach CRS by simply dialing 711 or the CRS 800 number of your modality.
TTY; including Voice Carryover (VCO) and Hearing Carryover (HCO)
English: (800) 735-2929,
Spanish: (800) 855-3000;
English: (800) 735-2922,
Spanish: (800) 855-3000;
Speech to Speech
(800) 854-7784
Please Note: Do not fax applications or reservation requests to the regular WestCAT Administration fax number listed on the WestCAT transit schedule, only use the number listed above. Your application will take longer to process or may never get to the person responsible for reviewing the applications if you do not follow this procedure.
Invite WestCAT to Your Event
If you have an event that you would like WestCAT to take part in, such as an employee transportation fair, community festival, or parade, employee health and wellness fair, school orientation, or any other type of event that you think we might be of help with, please contact: WestCAT’s Marketing Manager at (510) 724-3331 ext. 117 for more information.
To File a Claim Pursuant to the Government Code of the State of California (Sections 910 and 910.2) : WCCTA Government Tort Claim Form (PDF)
WestCAT Administration
601 Walter Ave.
Pinole, CA 94564
510-724-3331 (Administrative calls only)
For Route and Schedule Information call 510-724-7993