F&A Committee (standing committee)
The Finance and Administration (F&A) Committee is responsible for reviewing all policies and activities associated with the service provided by the Authority to its customers, including budgetary issues, procurement, grant management and human resources.
F&A Committee Agendas and Packets
No Agendas at this time
Legislative Committee (ad hoc committee)
The Legislative Committee is responsible for legislative matters. Meetings are scheduled as needed.
Cooperating Area Transit Systems Committee
The Cooperating Area Transit Systems (CATS) Committee was formed for the purpose of improving coordination among the suburban East Bay operators. An example of the success of this cooperation was the implementation of the East Bay Value Pass, a multi-agency monthly pass that allows riders to ride all four systems for the price of one pass. With this pass, passengers do not have to worry about exact change, confusing transfer slips or even a limit on how many times a passenger can ride. With the East Bay Value Pass passengers have unlimited possibilities. In addition to WestCAT, CATS includes the following transit systems:
- County Connection – Central Contra Costa Transit Authority
- Tri Delta Transit – Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority
- Wheels – Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority